from(bucket: “HausTest”)
|> range(start: -task.every)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“_measurement”] == “fronius”)
|> drop(columns: [“requestTimeStamp”, “source”])
|> aggregateWindow(every: 5m, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> to(bucket: “HausStundenArchiv”)
In the bucket “HausStundenArchiv” I expect times like
2023-06-15T14:45:00.000Z but what I get looks like
Is this expected? And how can get my expected timestamp?
The interval at which the task runs. This option also determines when the task first starts to run, depending on the specified time (in duration literal). Data type: Duration
For example, if you save or schedule a task at 2:30 and run the task every hour (1h): option task = {name: "aggregation", every: 1h}
The task first executes at 3:00pm, and subsequently every hour after that.
So most likely you’re starting the task at 45:6 or something and so it starts at the next 5 min interval.
I dont know maybe you can achieve this with cron instead?
I haven’t used it a lot, so im not sure. Maybe */5 * * * *
Thank you for the fast answer.
It was my mistake. The downsampled timestampes are as expected.
I was looking at the downsampled data with an aggregation in the query, which caused the unexpected timestamps.