Unable to listen on UDP: listen udp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:25826: bind: cannot assign requested address

Hi, I am trying to get data using collectd running on a different server. Once I start my InfluxDB (1.8.6) I am receiving this error message:

unable to listen on UDP: listen udp xxx.xxx.xxx.50:25826: bind: cannot assign requested address

The important part of my influxdb.conf looks like this:

enabled = true
bind-address = “xxx.xxx.xxx.50:25826”
database = “collectd”
typesdb = “/var/lib/influxdb/types.db”

My collectd.conf on the remote server (xxx.xxx.xxx.50) looks like this:

   Server "xxx.xxx.xxx.8" "25826"

There is no difference, if I am using the configuration from above or from the bottom:

   <Server "xxx.xxx.xxx.8" "25826">
           SecurityLevel Encrypt
           Username "torsten"
           Password "xxxx"
           Interface "eth0"
           ResolveInterval 14400

Username and Password are the ones I am using to login into the influxdb console.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks and Regards,


Where are the logs for your influx service ? Do they reveal anything?

Can both servers ping each other’s ip addresses?

Also, On influx server it is the receiver so you don’t need to specify the IP address, you can put and it will listen on any network interface

No, this is the only message in the log. The problem could come from the fact, that influx runs inside a docker container. But if I open a shell for that container I can ping the device that runs the collectd.

Can you paste your influxdb docker config file with the sensitive stuff redacted.

Googling results seem to point towards needing to publish the port for it to be accessible outside your server/pc when using a container

Since I am new to docker, I don’t know where the config file is, but I used this command to create the container, and here I am also mapping the ports for the collectd. The port 8086 is available from outside:

sudo docker run --name=“influxdb” -d --net=host --restart=always --label=com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false -p 8086:8086 -p 25826:25826 -p 25826:25826/udp -v /volume1/docker/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb -v /volume1/docker/etc/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf influxdb:1.8.6