Unable to delete data

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to InfluxDB (have version 1.5.1). I use it with Grafana and Icinga2. I’m confused for managing the data, specifically deletion. I have entries “in the future” because my server time got offset and ended up writing data to the database during this period. So, after setting the time back to normal, I tried to execute the following command:

delete from grafana where time > now(), where grafana is the name of my database

The command runs without error, but when I query the HTTP API with the following command, I still see “future” entries:

curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true' --data-urlencode "db=grafana" --data-urlencode "q=SELECT \"value\" FROM \"SOMECHECK\" WHERE \"hostname\"='SOMEHOSTNAME'"

I tried to edit the delete statement to:

delete from grafana where time > '2018-04-10T14:27:00Z

delete from grafana where time < now() + 24h (saw this in some old thread)

delete from SOMECHECK where time > now()

… but none of the above seemed to do anything.

Perhaps I have the delete functionality completely incorrect? Anyone have some insight?

Thanks in advance!

I contacted InfluxDB support and they told me that the worst case scenario was to drop the database and restart. Preferably I wouldn’t like to do this.

Also, I checked these threads (1st thread, 2nd thread) that seemed to have a similar issue to mine but they don’t seem to help too much.


I suspect (but have not tested) that you need to specify both a start time and an end time in your DELETE statement. For example,

DELETE FROM grafana WHERE time>'2017-04-10T14:27:00Z' AND time<'2019-01-01T00:00:00Z'

It’s also possible that you need to specify some tags in the DELETE for it to work properly.

Note that when I reported a similar problem the situation was slightly different. In my case the server time was correct, but the uploaded measurement data had future timestamps. If I read your query correctly, the server time was wrong, which would lead to timestamps on the database files (shards) being wrong also, but I don’t know if that would affect how InfluxDB manages its data.

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I have also seen problem with DELETE and DROP.
I deleted some series but when I “show series…” it was still there.

After I restarted InfluxDB is was not there, so I had deleted it correctly but maybe it was in the cache or something

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Thanks for your replies.

I tried your command and it didn’t seem to work. I also tried to specify tags like you say:

> delete from grafana where "hostname" = 'MYHOST' AND time > '2018-04-11T10:30:00Z'

which didn’t work. I realize that your problem was slightly different, but is in the scope of what I’m trying to do. Do you think I might have to delete the conflicting shard? I can see that these shards have weekly retention when I do show shards.

I tried restarting the influxdb service after trying the delete commands, but that didn’t work either.

By the way, I noticed that these “future” entries are not even showing up in my Grafana graphs. I guess I’m just worried about the trouble in having the future entries might make later on.

Thanks for the help so far!

Before I use delete command I show or select the data, to verify that the data really is there.

Have you tried to show with influx cli?

select * from grafana where time > ‘2018-04-11 09:00:00’ limit 10

If you see data then just change to

delete from grafana where time > ‘2018-04-11 09:00:00’

Interesting, when I execute the select command, I get no output. Which seemingly indicates that I have no “future” data.

However, if I use the curl command from my initial post to query the HTTP API, I get a ton of data and towards the end I get:


                    "partial": true

At the time of this post, it’s only 11:24 AM but that last entry in the query output shows 9:18 PM.

Theoretically, shouldn’t the delete command be removing these entries?

I guess you live in GMT -10, correct?
If you last data in Influx is time stamp 21:18 I guess you can see same data value at 11:18 local time?

It is giving you data as UTC(GMT+0)

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you MUST specify both start and end times … just use an end time that is further in the future than your known errant data

Wow, is this actually the case? InfluxDB HTTP API will convert timestamps to UTC (GMT+0)? I would’ve never known.

This means that everything is functioning okay…

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