Unable to connect V1 Clients to InfluxDBV2

In order to use v2 buckets using v1 API, you need DBRP mappings and in order to authorize using HTTP Basic scheme, as v1 clients use, you need a v1 authorization.
These are automatically created during the upgrade.
If you didn’t go through the upgrade process, you have to create them manually using Influx CLI or API.

How to create them using influx CLI:

I have org my-org, bucket my-bucket, V2 authorization token my-token.

You need to know a bucket ID:

> influx bucket list -t my-token -o my-org
ID                      Name            Retention       Shard group duration    Organization ID
8a86c88bdb311d3d        _monitoring     168h0m0s        24h0m0s                 e2e2d84ffb3c4f85
e0f636e0e399b0cf        _tasks          72h0m0s         24h0m0s                 e2e2d84ffb3c4f85
d98ced31b2232519        my-bucket       infinite        168h0m0s                e2e2d84ffb3c4f85

So my-bucket ID is d98ced31b2232519.

Create v1 authorization:

> influx v1 auth create -o my-org --username userv1 --password password1 -t my-token --read-bucket d98ced31b2232519 --write-bucket d98ced31b2232519
ID                      Description     Name / Token    User Name       User ID                 Permissions
0824b948a1b21000                        userv1          my-user         0801faee4cc36000        [read:orgs\e2e2d84ffb3c4f85\buckets\d98ced31b2232519 write:orgs\e2e2d84ffb3c4f85\buckets\d98ced31b2232519]

userv1 is new username for authenticating using v1 API and password1 is her password.

Now the query works, but it returns an empty results set:

> curl -X POST http://localhost:8086/query -u "userv1:password1" --data-urlencode 'q=SHOW DATABASES'

DBRP mapping is needed to see v2 bucket using v1 API:

> influx v1 dbrp create --db mydb --rp default --bucket-id d98ced31b2232519 -o my-org -t my-token
ID                      Database        Bucket ID               Retention Policy        Default Organization ID
082432e71e721000        mydb            d98ced31b2232519        default                 false   e2e2d84ffb3c4f85

mydb and default are new names for database and retention policy for v1 API.

Now the query finally works ok:

> curl -X POST http://localhost:8086/query -u "userv1:password1" --data-urlencode 'q=SHOW DATABASES'