TSI1 Query Performance when using time constraint


I’m running a query on a high cardinality DB using tsi1. The DB has a retention time of 35 days:

on influx 1.3.6

name duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default

stRetention 840h0m0s 24h0m0s 1 true

when I run a query of the following kind:

SELECT * FROM stDb.stRetention.quotes WHERE isin = 'XXX’
real 0m2.479s

it quickly returns a result. But when I add a time constraint:

SELECT * FROM stDb.stRetention.quotes WHERE isin = ‘XXX’ and time > now() - 27d
real 3m41.197s

it times out. Interestingly, when I use a shorter time frame the query still returns in a timely manner

SELECT * FROM stDb.stRetention.quotes WHERE isin = ‘XXX’ and time > now() - 25d
real 0m8.582s

SELECT * FROM stDb.stRetention.quotes WHERE isin = ‘XXX’ and time > now() - 10d
real 0m3.128s

influxd uses a single CPU core with 100% while the longer lasting query is running, RAM is only used to 27%.

I tested the same data on a different server running influx without retention time and without “tsi1” response times are significantly better, though the other server has slower hardware.

Your help is highly appreciated…
