Hi everyone,
I just move some date (it’s about 17 Million Rows) from PostgreSQL to InfluxDB with java library (influxdb-java).
Now I compare the query execution time in InfluxDB (I see time in the HTTP logs Measure Query Execution Time - #2 by mark ) and PostgreSQL (\timing).
I run the following query:
select * from table where time <‘date’ and time > ‘date’;
and notice, then the PostgreSQL query is faster than InfluxDB…I can’t figure out why. The InfluxDB database has a default retention policy and the measurement has two fields - BigDecimal and one tag. The query data come from the 2011 – 2015 year.
The PostgreSQL Server and InfluxDB are running on the same hardware in the same local network.
My Hardware:
Modell-Identifizierung: Macmini5,1
Prozessortyp: Intel Core i5
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2,3 GHz
Speicher: 8 GB
Physisches Laufwerk:
Gerätename: APPLE SSD TS128C
Kapazität 121,33 GB
Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.