Too many waiting connection

I use the influxDB 1.7.0 + graphana 5.2.2 + java.
encountered a problem. Data is coming to me from one device every 10 seconds. And when you write data from the device to the database opens an incredible number of threads (about 6 thousand) which are in the standby mode. If to judge by dump - flows ohntp3 TsongnethionPool, which is not used in my project directly.

Example of a DB writing code

public void writeToInflux( ProtocolV1Class protocolClass, InfluxDB influxDB ){
	try {

		double latitude = 0, longitude = 0;
		String table_name = getTableName( protocolClass );
		System.out.println("Название таблицы " + table_name);			
        influxDB.enableBatch(300, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        BatchPoints batchPoints = BatchPoints.database(dbName).build();
        for( int i = 0; i < protocolClass.telemetry.size(); i++ ) {
        	Builder builder = Point.measurement(table_name)
    				.time( Time.secondsToMillis( protocolClass.time ), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS )
    				.tag( "uid", protocolClass.getUid() )
    				.tag( "tagName", protocolClass.telemetry.get(i).getName() )
    				.addField( "protocol", protocolClass.getProtocol() );

        	// Write telemetry data
	       	if( isString ( protocolClass.telemetry.get(i).value ) ) {
	       		for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : protocolClass.tags.entrySet()  ) {
	       			builder.tag( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
	       		for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : protocolClass.telemetry.get(i).tags.entrySet() ) {
	       			builder.tag( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
	       		builder.addField( "value_string", protocolClass.telemetry.get(i).getValue() );
	       		Point point =;

	       		point = null;
	   	        builder = null;
        batchPoints = null;
	} catch( Exception e ) {
		log.severe("InfluxDbWriter writeToInflux " + e );

What could be the reason for discovering such a large number of threads? I am hope for your help.