Timezone.location() function Error -> malformed time zone information


since like 8 or 9 days i get the following errror in all my dashboards which have the timezone location function included.
" malformed time zone information"

My code includes the following lines:
import “timezone”
option location = timezone.location(name: “Europe/Berlin”)

The error also appear if i copy the exact line from the timezone.location() function example from the documentation.
As soon as i remove those lines, the error is gone and the dashboards appear again.

Any suggestions how to solve this problem?
As far as i can remember i havnt changed any settings, this error popped up just the next day.

Thx in advance, OLG

That’s strange behavior, wonder if InfluxDB version changed in between. Another way you can approach it by using UTC, so may flux query may look like:

import "timezone"

timezone.utc = {zone: "UTC", offset: 0h}
timezone.berlin = {zone: "Europe/Berlin", offset: 2h}  // 2h for summer, 1h for winter

Thx for your reply.

InfluxDB version hasnt changed.

Would work at some point. Just well, i would have to edit every dashboard, not only once to add the new timezone codelines, but also twice a year to change from summter to winter and vice verca. That seems not the right way.
The function worked correct in the past and i wondered if some InfluxDB settings may have changed.
Its just strange that i cant find or read about any other cases were this has occured.