Hi all,
Let me start saying I’m quite new with Influx and databases in general.
With my Rasberry I’m trying to build a system to monitor energy consumpion.
Hi have cretated a Influx DB callen “Energy_Meter” and the following retention policies:
> show retention policies
name duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
---- -------- ------------------ -------- -------
autogen 48h0m0s 24h0m0s 1 false
2_days 48h0m0s 24h0m0s 1 true
hour_year 8736h0m0s 168h0m0s 1 false
day_infinite 0s 168h0m0s 1 false
I have also create two continuous queries;
> show continuous queries
name: _internal
name query
---- -----
name: Energy_Meter
name query
---- -----
cq_1h_energy CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_1h_energy ON Energy_Meter BEGIN SELECT integral(value) / 3600 AS value INTO Energy_Meter.hour_year."shellies/shellyem-C45BBE77DB37/emeter/0/power" FROM Energy_Meter."2_days"."shellies/shellyem-C45BBE77DB37/emeter/0/power" GROUP BY time(1h), entity_id TZ('Europe/Rome') END
cq_1d_energy CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_1d_energy ON Energy_Meter BEGIN SELECT integral(value) / 3600 AS value INTO Energy_Meter.day_infinite."shellies/shellyem-C45BBE77DB37/emeter/0/power" FROM Energy_Meter."2_days"."shellies/shellyem-C45BBE77DB37/emeter/0/power" GROUP BY time(1d), entity_id TZ('Europe/Rome') END
The problem I have is that while with the default retention I can see the correct value of the last two days, using the "day_infinite" retention I could see the measurement of all days (as it shoul be) but shifted of one day.
I mean the measure of day n (bottom graph) is visble as day n-1 (top graph).
Not sure what I did wrong.
Thanks for your support.