Hey everyone!
I’m new to InfluxDB and I need a little bit of help with continuous queries and retention policies…
What I’m trying to do is that I have one database in InfluxDB let’s call it “input” and another database which we can call “aggregated”. What I want is to aggregate and transport data from input database where they are ingesting every 0.5sec to aggregated database let’s say 1 datapoint for 30 sec., 1 datapoint every 20sec. and 1 datapoint every 10sec within a minute for example.
I have three CQs that look like:
cq_30sec CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_30sec ON input BEGIN SELECT mean(*) INTO aggregated.one_hour.cpu_load_short FROM input.autogen.cpu_load_short WHERE time < now() - 30s GROUP BY time(30s) END
cq_20sec CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_20sec ON input BEGIN SELECT mean(*) INTO aggregated.one_hour.cpu_load_short FROM input.autogen.cpu_load_short WHERE time < now() - 20s GROUP BY time(20s) END
cq_10sec CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_10sec ON input BEGIN SELECT mean(*) INTO aggregated.one_hour.cpu_load_short FROM input.autogen.cpu_load_short WHERE time < now() - 10s GROUP BY time(10s) END
I visualize it with Grafana where I have two graphs - first for input db where I have datapoints per 0.5sec and second one for aggregated where I have 1 datapoint per 10sec.
What I want to accomplish is to transport datapoints from iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii to --> i i i i i i i i i i i iiiiiii
if we imagine that letters i are datapoints.
Let me know if is any further clarification needed.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you for any reply!!