Telegraf, Vspheren tags and custom tags

Hello Team,

I have trouble to understand the documentation : telegraf/plugins/inputs/vsphere/ at master · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub

In the dedicated tags part, it’s written :

  ## Custom attributes from vCenter can be very useful for queries in order to slice the
  ## metrics along different dimension and for forming ad-hoc relationships. They are disabled
  ## by default, since they can add a considerable amount of tags to the resulting metrics. To
  ## enable, simply set custom_attribute_exclude to [] (empty set) and use custom_attribute_include
  ## to select the attributes you want to include.
  ## By default, since they can add a considerable amount of tags to the resulting metrics. To
  ## enable, simply set custom_attribute_exclude to [] (empty set) and use custom_attribute_include
  ## to select the attributes you want to include.
  # custom_attribute_include = []
  # custom_attribute_exclude = ["*"]

I understand that telegraf will parse only custom attributes at Vsphere level, is my understanding correct ?
What about tags added to a vm for instance ?

Best regards,


Based on the original PR it reads like these apply to both VMs and other vsphere attributes.