Telegraf MSK kafka input plugin

When I try to connect to msk cluster on aws I get an error saying

This is my telegraf.conf file

debug = true

 urls = ["influxdb url"]
 database = "test_data"
 timeout = "5s"
 username = "admin123456"
 password = "admin123456"

 brokers = ["aws msk cluster bootstrap endpoint port number 9096"]
 topics = ['test-topic']
 metadata_full = false
 connection_strategy = "startup"
 data_format = "json"
 sasl_mechanism = "SCRAM-SHA-512"
 sasl_version = 1

 offset = "oldest"
 sasl_username = "admin"
 sasl_password = "admin"
 max_message_len = 1000000

 tag_keys = [
  json_name_key = "measurement_name"
  json_time_key = "reading_at"
  json_time_format = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
  json_timezone = "UTC"```

Hello @Ajinkya_patil,
I’m not super familiar with the kafka plugin:
Here are similar issues it the community though:

Let me know if one of those solutions helps :slight_smile: