Telegraf logs grok not match

I’m trying to match the following pattern:
2018-08-09 22:05:15,023 [11] INFO method=GET - code=OK - url=AN URL (localhost:10520/WebAPI/api/Template/templates) - milliseconds=546

I got the error of grok not matching so started to go token by token as suggested, so I started with the date:
2018-08-09 22:05:15,023
I used this pattern:
patterns = [“%{CUSTOM_LOG_DATE}”]
custom_patterns = ‘’’
Also doesn’t work.

2018-08-10T10:49:28Z I! Agent Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:“DESKTOP”, Flush Interval:10s
2018-08-10T10:49:28Z D! Grok no match found for: “2018-08-09 21:04:46,766”
2018-08-10T10:49:28Z D! Grok no match found for: “2018-08-10 22:04:46,999”
2018-08-10T10:49:28Z D! Grok no match found for: “2018-08-11 23:04:46,999”

Even though the grok debugger states it should
also Test grok patterns states that it matches

I’m using 1.7.3, looks like the issue with the actual timestamp is resolved in 1.8

Any assistance would be reaaaalllyyy appreciated.