Jan 19
Hi everbody,
Is it possible to configure telegraf sending its data to kapacitor, instead of influxdb directly? I searched in the documentation, but nothing is mentioned there. Are there any disadvantages with that approach? I think it could be useful to add new tags or somekind like later on at a central position.
Does Kapacitor have the on-disk snapshot functionality for fault tolerance?
Don’t hesitate writing your own thoughts about that topic 
In addition to what jackzampolin said, another item of note is that that kapacitor does not handle out-of-order points very well. And if you’re collecting data from multiple hosts, you will have out-of-order points, as telegraf buffers them, as well as things like clock offset, network latency, etc.
If you’re just taking the data in, and emitting it straight to influxdb with minimal to no processing, this might not be an issue. And some of the more simple kapacitor nodes might not choke, but many of them will. There is some discussion on the subject over at: Simple TICKscript that will always error · Issue #1217 · influxdata/kapacitor · GitHub
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