Telegraf Kafka consumer not running properly

Relevant telegraf.conf:

  brokers = ["${IIT_BROKER_ONE}","${IIT_BROKER_TWO}"]
  topics = ["${BROKER_TOPIC}"]
  offset = "newest"
  max_message_len = 1000000
  max_undelivered_messages = 1000
  ## Data format to consume.
  data_format = "json"
  json_time_key = "beginTime"
  json_time_format = "unix"
  tag_keys = [
  json_string_fields = ["counters_*"]
  name_override = "${Measurement}"
    setup = "${SETUP_TAG_ONE}"

  brokers = ["${SVT_BROKER_ONE}","${SVT_BROKER_TWO}"]
  topics = ["Onecell_PM_Data_Stream"]
  offset = "newest"
  max_message_len = 1000000
  max_undelivered_messages = 1000
  ## Data format to consume.
  data_format = "json"
  json_time_key = "beginTime"
  json_time_format = "unix"
  tag_keys = [
  json_string_fields = ["counters_*"]
  name_override = "${Measurement}"
    setup = "${SETUP_TAG_TWO}"

I am using above telegraf configuration. So the data is written properly into influxdb throughout the day; But in night time data was not writing into influxdb. When i checked logs i found this -
Abandoned subscription to TOPIC_name because consuming was taking soo long.
So after this message i don’t see any data, but in morning when i restart the docker container. Data starts coming. Also i tried with offset = “oldest” in order to backfill the missing data that is also not working. In kafkdrop when i check i see offset lag for both sets of kafka brokers. Also i am using all default configuration in agent part.
My questions -

What is solution for this problem?
Is taking offset = “oldest” everytime will allow me to backfill past data, whenever this problem comes.
Telegraf version - 1.20