SSL error - influxdb.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'


I was using the database and I decided to add SSL to my server. I am trying to find a solution to make it work… Does any of this make sense to you?

when I run from terminal I can access from http but I also get the following errors:

2022-10-15T23:14:15.054489Z     info    Starting        {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "telemetry", "interval": "8h"}
2022-10-15T23:14:15.055354Z     info    Listening       {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "tcp-listener", "transport": "http", "addr": ":8086", "port": 8086}
2022-10-15T23:14:17.447971Z     info    Unauthorized    {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "error": "token required"}
2022-10-15T23:14:25.290632Z     error   Unable to write gathered points {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "scraper", "scraper-name": "new target", "error": "database not found: 5550dc467dba55ad"}
2022-10-15T23:14:35.228724Z     error   Unable to write gathered points {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "scraper", "scraper-name": "new target", "error": "database not found: 5550dc467dba55ad"}
2022-10-15T23:14:45.269769Z     error   Unable to write gathered points {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "scraper", "scraper-name": "new target", "error": "database not found: 5550dc467dba55ad"}
^X^C2022-10-15T23:14:47.870851Z info    Terminating precreation service {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "shard-precreation"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.870925Z     info    Stopping        {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "telemetry", "interval": "8h"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.870905Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "HTTP server"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.871202Z     info    Stopping        {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "tcp-listener"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.872127Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "scraper"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.872228Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "task"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.872722Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "query"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.874028Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "replications"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.874196Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "engine"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.874267Z     info    Closing retention policy enforcement service    {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "service": "retention"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.916886Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "sqlite"}
2022-10-15T23:14:47.917882Z     info    Stopping subsystem      {"log_id": "0dZUf9EG000", "subsystem": "bolt"}

InfluxDB v2.4
letsencrypt .pem files

influxdb service files:


letsencrypt folder permissions:

drwx--x--x   3 root letsencrypt  4096 Oct 14 22:03 live
drwx--x---   3 root letsencrypt  4096 Oct 14 22:03 archive

changed group after reading this guide

contents of /etc/influxdb/config.toml

bolt-path = "/var/lib/influxdb/influxd.bolt"
engine-path = "/var/lib/influxdb/engine"

https-enabled = true
https-certificate  = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain_name>/fullchain.pem"
https-private-key  = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain_name>/privkey.pem"

update: changed group in services from influxdb to letsencrypt - still doesnt work