SNMP plugin - error reading from socket


I am having this error:

[inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field SNMPv2-MIB::sysName: error reading from socket: read udp> recvfrom: connection refused

And couldn’t figure out what is happening.

Sometimes from that moment the agent could not be reached (even with snmpget command) until telegraf service is restarted.

After telegraf restart, snmpget command works fine and no error is logged until it happens again.

Telegraf 1.32.0 (the problem occurred also with 1.31.2)

OS: “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5”

I have more than 1000 metrics, each with its own config file more or less like this one:

  agents = ["udp://"]

  timeout = "15s"

  ## SNMPv3 authentication and encryption options.

  retries = 3
  max_repetitions = 10
  interval = "24h"
  collection_jitter = "1h"

  agent_host_tag = "source"
  tagexclude = ["host"]

  name = "SNMPv2-MIB::system"

    oid = "."
    name = "SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr"
    is_tag = true


As I have a 1 day collection interval I set the collection jitter in 1 hour to reduce simultaneity.

Any clue?


Well as the message says, Telegraf can not establish a UDP “connection” to the given host/port! :slight_smile: Packetfilter? Typo in IP or port? Authentication missing or wrong?

Hi @srebhan !

The connection works perfect until fails.

I run it with --test option an works fine, here is a partial output:

> SNMPv2-MIB::system,SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact=Backend\ de\ Aseguramiento,SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr=Hardware\ management\ system,SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation=ARBBCWP\ EL\ TALAR\ RUTA\ PANAMERICANA\ 32750,SNMPv2-MIB::sysName=ARBBCWP_GDE_HAD99-LOM,SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID=hwServer,source= IF-MIB::ifNumber=6i,SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime=18.55 1726828958000000000
> HUAWEI-SERVER-IBMC-MIB::temperatureDescriptionTable,SNMPv2-MIB::sysName=ARBBCWP_GDE_HAD99-LOM,index=1,source= HUAWEI-SERVER-IBMC-MIB::temperatureLowerCritical=65535i

It fails at random, and the block seems to happen after some error during connection or disconnection.

I have 45 measurements for each device, each device and measurements in its own config file.

Running telegraf using this server configuration files isolated in test directory, did not fail.

Any way to log more detailed info, to debug in production?


I got the problem so I did this tests:

ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test # ping
connect: Resource temporarily unavailable
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test # snmpget -v3 -Oa -l authPriv -u  -a SHA -A "" -x AES -X "" SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0
snmpget: Unknown engine ID (Resource temporarily unavailable)
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test # kill -KILL %1
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test #
[1]+  Killed                  /usr/bin/telegraf -config /home/paas/telegraf/conf/telegraf.conf -config-directory /home/paas/telegraf/test --once
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test #  ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.301 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.301/0.301/0.301/0.000 ms
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test # snmpget -v3 -Oa -l authPriv -u  -a SHA -A "" -x AES -X "" SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/home/paas/telegraf/test #

More tests:

Runing like this:

/usr/bin/telegraf -config /home/paas/telegraf/conf/telegraf.conf -config-directory /home/paas/telegraf/test --once

I got the problem.

But runnig like this:

/usr/bin/telegraf -config /home/paas/telegraf/conf/telegraf.conf -config-directory /home/paas/telegraf/test --test

I got all the measurements without any problem.



After many, many test I got to this.

Looks like some limit in my SO configuration.

If while running telegraf I check netstat, I got one of this lines for each inputs.snmp plugin:

2024-09-23T11:14:33Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.32.0 brought to you by InfluxData the makers of InfluxDB
2024-09-23T11:14:33Z I! Available plugins: 235 inputs, 9 aggregators, 32 processors, 26 parsers, 62 outputs, 6 secret-stores
2024-09-23T11:14:33Z I! Loaded inputs: snmp (4967x)
udp        0      0 ECM_ETH0_IP:64996      ESTABLISHED
udp        0      0 ECM_ETH0_IP:64997      ESTABLISHED
udp        0      0 ECM_ETH0_IP:64998      ESTABLISHED
udp        0      0 ECM_ETH0_IP:64999      ESTABLISHED
udp        0      0 ECM_ETH0_IP:65000      ESTABLISHED
ARBBCWP_GDE_DSS01:/var/log/telegraf # netstat | grep snmp | wc -l

It looks like in my SO the limit is 5000, because when I put more than that number of “inputs.snmp” I got the problem.

I guess that running with the “–once” option all the connections are set at the same time (ignoring interval an collection_jitter), so that’s the reason I reach the limit immediately.

Running without that option, “collection_jitter” reduces the problem.

I´ll set the “collection_jitter” to “2h” and check tonight what happens.

Another alternative is to find out where this 5000 limit is an increase it, but I am not owner of SO so it would be more complicated.


@srebhan finally I found the root cause here:

Why does ping fail with the error “connect: Resource temporarily unavailable”?

This is my SO configuration:
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 60000 65000

That leaves 5001 connection ports.
My final configuration would have around 15000 inputs.snmp.

My question now is: is it correct to have taken all the udp ports all the time telegraf is running?
Cannot them be released?

Should I open a different topic for this question?


Did you try to set unconnected_udp_socket = true?

Hi @srebhan !

I set all my plugins with interval = “24h” with

unconnected_udp_socket = true

and worked, this morning the ports are free.

But the problem is still there.

At midnight when all the “24h” plugins start, they use all the port available (5001) and the next plugin has no port.

I have already get the OK to increase net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range (It seems that it has none or very low impact), but I’ll try one more test using the offset value to split the start time of “24h” plugins in order to let some finish before the rest start and keeping the count under 5000 active plugins.


Well, it didn´t work.

It seems that although the ports are freed after use, Telegraf starts all plugins at once not considering the “collection_offset” setting therefore at 00:00 when the “24h” interval starts, one port per plugin is needed.

I set net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535 so now there are plenty ports available, and having set unconnected_udp_socket = true they would be freed after use.

Let´s see how it works.
