SNMP data how define which DB to use?


i have been reading

but some point i do not understand!
if crating the new file for the [[inputs.snmp]] in

is there a way to tell in which DB to save this data collected!
It is possible to trigger 3 or more Switch (identical Switch, except name)

have a nice day

any idea? sorry just not so clear to me

any help or idea where to read some more detail?

InfluxDB does not have the same concept of “multiple databases” as most RDBMSs
such as MariaDB, MSSQL or Postgres do. InfluxDB only has a single database.

Maybe you could explain a little more about what you want to do with the data
from the three switches and how it should be used, and someone can try to


i have one influxDB1.8 but there are multiple databases!
the basic Telegraf.conf should just send the healty metric of his own.
inf telegrf.d/ should be the snmp requests - but this data should be in another DB then the main telegraf.conf declared.

i have one influxDB1.8 but there are multiple databases!

Do you really mean multiple databases (in which case I am disappointingly
unaware that this was possible), or do you mean multiple tables in one
database (which is certainly possible with InfluxDB, as well as all RDBMSs)?

the basic Telegraf.conf should just send the healty metric of his own.
inf telegrf.d/ should be the snmp requests - but this data should be in
another DB then the main telegraf.conf declared.

I don’t understand how this would be configured - can you give an example?


on the VM i do a
show databases
there are 8 Database

but maybe i use the wrong terminologie

I apologise - you are quite correct, and InfluxDB can indeed maintain multiple

I think I’d better hand over to someone else who knew this already to help
answer your question :slight_smile:


@Pooh thanks for your help.
i am happy did not to much mix up this things