"SHOW TAG VALUES CARDINALITY"'s WHERE clause only supports inferior time comparison?

I’m using InfluxCloud 1.7 and the ‘SHOW TAG VALUES CARDINALITY’ command.

I’m adding a where clause to only count measurements that happen after a given date. But the time filter only seems to work when filtering for measurements happening before a given date.

SHOW TAG VALUES CARDINALITY FROM ... WHERE time > '2019-07-01T18:30:00Z'

will return no results whereas

SHOW TAG VALUES CARDINALITY FROM ... WHERE time < '2019-08-017T18:30:00Z'

returns results.

Is it expected?

Hi @Guillaume_Lachaud ,

that is possible if there were nog tag values with a timestamp after ‘2019-07-01T18:30:00Z’

what is the result of
SHOW TAG VALUES CARDINALITY FROM … WHERE time > ‘2018-07-01T18:30:00Z’

No results neither. Query returns instantly. But I know for sure that there are records with tag values AND timestamp > 2018-07-01T18:30:00Z

Doing the opposite query (timestamp inferior to some date in the future) properly “finds” those records.