'SHOW SERIES EXACT CARDINALITY ON db' returns only the series count of the default 'autogen' retention policies

Hi all.
‘SHOW SERIES (EXACT) CARDINALITY ON database’ returns only the series count of the default ‘autogen’ retention policy.
And the series in other retention policies on the same database are not counted.

The series count in other retention policies only can be retrieved by the ‘measurement’ base.
(e.g. SHOW SERIES EXACT CARDINALITY ON database FROM database.rp1.mesure1)

Is there any way to get the whole series count on a database with multiple retention policies ?

hi @jaeeun-choi welcome to the community ,

I have tried it and I get the whole series count ,
What is your version ?
It works as expected on 1.7.6 ,

best regards ,


My version is also v1.7.6.
I created several retention policies and I can see the series count per retention policy & measurement using the ‘FROM’ clause (e.g. FROM db.rp1.measure1, FROM db.rp2.measure2)
But ‘SHOW SERIES (EXACT) CARDINALITY ON database’ returns only the series count of the defualt ‘autogen’ retention policy.