Set multiple query on SQL Input Plugin

hi, currently I use InfluxDB + Telegraf + Grafana for monitoring my SQL Server Database.

but I have some blockers for setup SQL Input Plugin because on the documentation we can only one query can be specified.

So In my case, I have another custom query to get some metric, can I set multiple query?

    ## Query to perform on the server
    query="SELECT user,state,latency,score FROM Scoreboard WHERE application > 0"
    ## Alternatively to specifying the query directly you can select a file here containing the SQL query.
    ## Only one of 'query' and 'query_script' can be specified!
    # query_script = "/path/to/sql/script.sql"

you just need to set up a new “instance” of the input plugin

    query=" __query1__"

    query=" __query2__"

got it so I can set multiple tag for [[inputs.sql.query]] in same file telegraf.conf ? thats correct ?

@febridev yes and yes. :wink: So simply do

  dsn = ...
    query = ...

    query = ...