Hi Guys,
I have a question about the security between kafka and telegraf.
Per my investigation, I know we can set up ssl security between kafka producer and consumer, but telegraf kafka consumer plugin currently doesn’t support that kind of security.
I’d like to modify source code of this plugin (telegraf/kafka_consumer.go at master · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub) to support any security (SSL or TSL, etc.). I’m new to kafka and telegraf, is the “config” in below code the correct part I need to modify? Since I see we are able to pass a config param in kafka consumer for the security.
kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9093 --topic test --producer.config client-ssl.properties
kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --topic test --new-consumer --consumer.config client-ssl.properties
If config is not the correct part, how can I implement the security between Kafka and Telegraf?
func (k *Kafka) Start(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
defer k.Unlock()
var consumerErr error
k.acc = acc
config := consumergroup.NewConfig()
config.Zookeeper.Chroot = k.ZookeeperChroot
switch strings.ToLower(k.Offset) {
case "oldest", "":
config.Offsets.Initial = sarama.OffsetOldest
case "newest":
config.Offsets.Initial = sarama.OffsetNewest
log.Printf("I! WARNING: Kafka consumer invalid offset '%s', using 'oldest'\n",
config.Offsets.Initial = sarama.OffsetOldest
if k.Consumer == nil || k.Consumer.Closed() {
k.Consumer, consumerErr = consumergroup.JoinConsumerGroup(
if consumerErr != nil {
return consumerErr
// Setup message and error channels
k.in = k.Consumer.Messages()
k.errs = k.Consumer.Errors()
k.done = make(chan struct{})
// Start the kafka message reader
go k.receiver()
log.Printf("I! Started the kafka consumer service, peers: %v, topics: %v\n",
k.ZookeeperPeers, k.Topics)
return nil