Run: open server: open service: listen tcp bind: address already in use

Hello, I try to install influxdb on my Macobook but I have this mistake : run: open server: open service: listen tcp bind: address already in use.

I use the laster version.

Thanks for help

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2019-09-09T14:06:12.878119Z info InfluxDB starting {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “version”: “v1.7.7”, “branch”: “master”, “commit”: “f8fdf652f348fc9980997fe1c972e2b79ddd13b0”}
2019-09-09T14:06:12.878640Z info Go runtime {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “version”: “go1.12.6”, “maxprocs”: 4}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.019241Z info Using data dir {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “store”, “path”: “/Users/garbamouss/.influxdb/data”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.019660Z info Compaction settings {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “store”, “max_concurrent_compactions”: 2, “throughput_bytes_per_second”: 50331648, “throughput_bytes_per_second_burst”: 50331648}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.019705Z info Open store (start) {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “store”, “trace_id”: “0HmaOG6l000”, “op_name”: “tsdb_open”, “op_event”: “start”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.049692Z info Reading file {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “engine”: “tsm1”, “service”: “cacheloader”, “path”: “/usr/local/var/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/2/_00001.wal”, “size”: 1965855}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.168905Z info Opened shard {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “store”, “trace_id”: “0HmaOG6l000”, “op_name”: “tsdb_open”, “index_version”: “inmem”, “path”: “/Users/garbamouss/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/2”, “duration”: “132.081ms”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.168988Z info Open store (end) {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “store”, “trace_id”: “0HmaOG6l000”, “op_name”: “tsdb_open”, “op_event”: “end”, “op_elapsed”: “149.286ms”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171091Z info Opened service {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “subscriber”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171318Z info Starting monitor service {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “monitor”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171376Z info Registered diagnostics client {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “monitor”, “name”: “build”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171426Z info Registered diagnostics client {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “monitor”, “name”: “runtime”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171454Z info Registered diagnostics client {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “monitor”, “name”: “network”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171508Z info Registered diagnostics client {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “monitor”, “name”: “system”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.171895Z info Starting precreation service {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “shard-precreation”, “check_interval”: “10m”, “advance_period”: “30m”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.172348Z info Starting snapshot service {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “snapshot”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.172433Z info Added new subscription {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “subscriber”, “db_instance”: “telegraf”, “db_rp”: “autogen”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.172636Z info Starting continuous query service {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “continuous_querier”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.172096Z info Storing statistics {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “monitor”, “db_instance”: “_internal”, “db_rp”: “monitor”, “interval”: “10s”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.172920Z info Added new subscription {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “subscriber”, “db_instance”: “_internal”, “db_rp”: “monitor”}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.173123Z info Starting HTTP service {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “httpd”, “authentication”: false}
2019-09-09T14:06:13.173557Z info opened HTTP access log {“log_id”: “0HmaOFXW000”, “service”: “httpd”, “path”: “stderr”}
run: open server: open service: listen tcp bind: address already in use

It looks like you already have a service running on port 8088, which is the default port for InfluxDB.

In your terminal, you can use the command lsof -i :8088 to see what is running on that port.