I am very new to influxdb, I set up a AWS ec2 linux VM(ubuntu 20.04) and installed influxdb(2.0) onto it. I was following the official docs guidelines and I got up to the point where I had to check the status and got confirmation that it is running. However, when trying to run the “influxd” command I get this error: Error: listen tcp :8086: bind: address already in use.
I have no idea how to fix this, I have tried uninstalling and re-installing, but even after uninstalling I could still run influxd, so I am not sure that it worked correctly. I have also tried changing the default port using:
influxd --http-bind-address=:8087
. This did not seem to work either, if anyone could please give some advice I would greatly appreciate it…have spent hours trying to fix this to no avail
Have you set up the systemd service?
If yes, then the influxd deamon should already be running?
I also find the documentation a bit confusing at this point.
But that would also explain that then always comes “already in use”?
@Franky1 I think so, I ran
wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-2.0.4-amd64.deb ,then
sudo dpkg -i influxdb2-2.0.4-amd64.deb and then
sudo service influxdb start
Restarted my service then ran
sudo service influxdb status, to which I got the response active (running)
Tried the next step, which I assume is to run the influxd daemon, which is where I am getting my error
Can you execute influx (command line interface) commands against the database, after the step with service influxdb status ?
Then InfluxDB is already running.
@Franky1 Haven’t tried the cli, but tried the UI way by connecting to my public ipv4 address ie xx.xxx.xx.xx:8086, but I get a this site can’t be reached error…so I am not sure if it is my AWS ec2 server that I setup wrong or my influxdb
when I try pinging the ip address of the server, there is 100% packet loss so It seems that my ec2 server might be the problem? Not sure what I did wrong though
Edit: It seems this is normal and most likely not an indication that the server is not working correctly
Yes, that’s right, I forgot, you are on AWS…
I assume that you cannot access your EC2 machine without further configuration.
With AWS, there are “access rules” everywhere…
I would continue with the CLI approach to complete the database setup.
@Franky1 Any idea how I could try to access the UI? I saw a video of it and it looks like it would be easier to setup than via the CLI. I ran influx setup and managed to create a profile via the CLI.
I installed grafana and cannot access their UI page either…so it must be something I setup wrong on my ec2 server, might just delete the instance and start over
I have added some security groups, opened port for HTTP access, SSH access and port 3000( port needed for grafana I believe), however it is not working. I have tried many hours of googling and am still busy, but have yet to find a solution