15.09.2022 I accidentally replaced the influx.bolt file from the /var/lib/influxdb/influx.bolt folder.
Then restarted influxd.
After restarting influxd, influx start window message appeared in the web interface.
Then I decided to restore influxd.bolt from a backup dated 17.05.2022. Influx version for this date is 2.1.1
After restarting influx, there is no data from 17.05.2022 to 15.09.2022. And also there are no buckets that were created after 17.05.2022.
How to recover data and bucket in this interval?
Hello @Anaisdg.
I copied and changed from /var/lib/influxdb/influx.bolt to /data/influx/influx.bolt.
/data/influx/ - working directory.
/var/lib/influxdb/influx.bolt - this is a clean file, i.e. the default when installing influx.
Then I restored influx.bolt from a backup on 05/15/2022.
i have a similar problem. After update , I couldn’t login to GUI and Grafana couldn’t connect to bucket.
I find newly creted influx.bolt and influx.sqlite in /var/lib/influxdb . So I replace with old file from /var/lib/influxdb/.influxdbv2 and reboot .After that I see my old bucket, I can log in over GUI and Grafana can connect to bucket.
But can not see old data .
root@graft:/var/lib/influxdb/.influxdbv2/engine/data# du -d 1 -h 78G ./d6ca63c482905160