Rename value (using pivot->rename->un-pivot)

Is it possible to make un-pivot with Flux ?

The main reason is to rename value in particular column. I am able to make pivot, rename value but not able to unpivot back so I can display renamed value rather than original one.

Another approach could be to have a function to rename value(s) if possible rather than just column.

See my example below trying to rename value but failing to making unpivot…

from(bucket: "test")
  |> range($range)
  |> filter(fn: (r) =>
    r._measurement == "fautest" and
    r.trigger =~ /interval/ and
    r._field =~ /green/)
|> group(columns: ["_time", "_value", "trigger", "msgid"], mode: "except")
|> sum(column: "_value")
|> map(fn:(r) => ({
     r with
     _field: r._field,
     _value: r._value * 30}))
|> pivot(rowKey:["_start"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> rename(columns: {green: "GREENXXX"})


@salvq Flux doesn’t support un-pivoting data yet. I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re trying to do. Could you provide some example input and an example of your desired output?

@scott Let me explain the reason behinds that first…

For some graph and legends, Grafana use value(s) from _field column to show legend description etc. Current values in some of the tables are not the ones I want to show or see in my graphs.

When using below script the result…

from(bucket: "test")
  |> range($range)
  |> filter(fn: (r) =>
    r._measurement == "fautest" and
    r.trigger =~ /interval/ and
    r._field =~ /green/)
|> group(columns: ["_time", "_value", "trigger", "msgid"], mode: "except")
|> sum(column: "_value")
|> map(fn:(r) => ({
     r with
     _field: r._field,
     _value: r._value * 30}))


I need to change status green to Running or similar, so this was my expectation. Therefore I use pivot to be able to apply rename() function to columnKey and then return table to before pivot. If there is any other way how to manage this I would really appreciate I just cannot change whole downstream process and rename status.

Expected result from script


You can do that in the map() call. Is green the only value you expect, or are there others?

@scott yes it is the only value.

How to apply map to change values ?



|> map(fn:(r) => ({
     r with
     _field: "RUNNING",
     _value: r._value * 30

You could even layer in a little conditional logic into the map() function to reassign values in the the _field column based on their current value. For example, if you had the following _fields:

  • green
  • grey
  • red

You could:

|> map(fn:(r) => ({
     r with
     _field: if r._field == "green" then "RUNNING"
        else if r._field == "grey" then "SLEEPING"
        else if r._field == "red" then "STOPPED"
        else "unknown",
     _value: r._value * 30

…so easy and working :slight_smile:

Thank you