Can an InfluxDB database be renamed?
Related question: If I have a backup of an InfluxDB database, can I restore it so that the restored database has a different name to the name it had when it was originally backed up?
Jeremy Begg
Can an InfluxDB database be renamed?
Related question: If I have a backup of an InfluxDB database, can I restore it so that the restored database has a different name to the name it had when it was originally backed up?
Jeremy Begg
That isn’t directly supported today. See the steps to achieve what you are asking about here:
See example 1.
This was also asked here: Workaround to rename databases
Hi Tim,
Thanks for answering. I saw that example and I can see it would work - provided there is enough time and disk space to let it run.
It would actually be useful to be able to restore an Influx database backup to a different database name, that way we could compare the backed-up data to the “live” data without having to find another server to load it on to.
@JeremySTX Can you open a feature request over on InfluxDB for this?
Done. Created as issue #8519
Feature delivered in InfluxDB 1.5. See more here: Backing up and restoring in InfluxDB OSS | InfluxDB OSS 1.5 Documentation
We are going to close out the github issue as well! Hope it does everything that you wanted…if not, please let us know.