Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.4.3, InfluxDB 1.3.7 and Chronograf 1.3.10

Originally published at: Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.4.3, InfluxDB 1.3.7 and Chronograf 1.3.10 | InfluxData

New releases for InfluxDB 1.3.7, Telegraf 1.4.3 & Chronograf 1.3.10 are now available:

Key feature highlights from the release are:
  • Millisecond precision drill-down within the dashboards.
  • CSV file export of data displayed within a dashboard cell. Previously this was only available within the Data Explorer
  • Independent time ranges can be displayed within the cells of the dashboards.
  • Manual refresh option for the dashboards.
You can read a little bit more about the release in our latest blog.

In addition, we have three maintenance releases available now:

The most important issue addressed for the InfluxDB releases is related to delete commands being issued. We uncovered a few circumstances that could lead to broader data deletion than anticipated. We recommend customers who plan to leverage delete on a regular basis to upgrade to 1.3.7 immediately.

The binaries for the open source release can be found on our downloads page.

For our InfluxEnterprise customers, log in to the InfluxEnterprise portal and download the binaries from there.