Reference other node's data in alert() details of the current node

In my rule what I try to do is to calculate the overall count of points (agents_count) in a window (where each point stands for an alive server along with its metadata), and then to re-use the same window data to filter some data points having only some certain tags values (idle_agents), and calculate the percentage of the remaining points against the overall count. Finally, this % is evaluated in a threshold of an alert() node. The simplified script is:

var data = stream

var agents = data

var agents_count = agents

var idle_agents = agents
    |where(lambda: "status" == 'Idle')

var idle_agents_count = idle_agents

        .as('idle', 'all')
    |eval(lambda: float("idle.count") * 100.0 / float("all.count"))
        .crit(lambda: "idle.%" <= float(crit_percent) OR "idle.count" <= crit_count)

What I want to include into my alert details is the data of the data stream before it’s got processed with count() - variable idle_agents in the case above. So that I not only get the bare % of the remaining points, but also the details of those remaining points (pretty printed somehow). This is how the data looks there:

  "series": [
      "name": "measurement",
      "columns": [
      "values": [

The point is that once I process the points with count() what I have remained in the node is only the following:

  "series": [
      "name": "measurement",
      "columns": [
      "values": [

So I can’t access the original data when I then work it out with join() and alert().

I tried some stupid thing as adding that variable reference containing all the data - .details(idle_agents), but of course ran into error:

invalid TICKscript: line 86 char 10: error calling func "details" on obj *pipeline.AlertNodeData: reflect.Set: value of type *pipeline.WindowNode is not assignable to type string

There are some other rules with which I ran into the same necessity too. What would be the suggestion to achieve that? So that alerts would be much more meaningful.