Hi! I am new to influxDB, and wonder if what I want to do, is possible in InfluxDB, hope this is the right place:
I have a few sensors logging temperature data into an influxdb. They do that at irregular intervals, meaning not on specific timestamps or intervals, but if enough of a temperature change was detected.
What I am trying to do is calculating degreedays from those sensors:
- at midnight, select 48 temperatures from the past day, with 30 minutes in between.
- add up those 48 samples, divide by 48 and store that result as a separate value back into the db
- repeat every day
- once: do it for all the data already present in the db.
The problem is that those sensors cannot report specifically on those timestamps, so I am trying to find a way to get the temperature that was logged last before a desired timestamp.
For example: at 9:25am a sensor reports 20C. At the end of the day, I want to know the temperatures at 30 minute intervals, so 9:30am. There is no exact report at that time, so the last known is 9:25.
To be honest: I have no idea where to start. I manage to get a series of data out of influxdb as a straight select query, but no clue how to get this going? Anybody able and willing to help?