I am new to influxDB and Grafana - hence the probalby stupid questions.
Currently I am trying to get a Dashboard from Grafana Labs up and running ( QNAP Dashboard - Telegraf SNMP - InfluxDB | Grafana Labs).
I got the telegraf and the provided SNMP input up and running. So far so good - but the dashboard is just delivering error messages
All the queries throw this error:
Status: 500. Message: InfluxDB returned error: error parsing query: found FROM, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 9
As I am running a InfluxDB 1.8 version I had to activate Flux - which I have done via ENV variable in my InfluxDB container. I verified that it is really enable using influxd config
This is the query the dashboard uses (copied from query analyzer in Gafana):
query:"from(bucket: v.defaultBucket)
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"snmp.QNAP.enclosureTable\")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_field\"] == \"enclosureSerialNum\" and r[\"enclosureID\"] == \"0\")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"agent_host\"] =~ /()/)
|> keep(columns: [\"enclosureModel\"])
|> distinct(column: \"enclosureModel\")
|> group()
|> last()
|> keep(columns: [\"_value\"])
Any ideas how I can get this dashboard up and running?