Putting several Continuous Queries into one Continuous Query

Good evening everybody,

I am struggeling with a small problem, I think. So please help me!


  • receiving persisted data from Openhab2.4
  • e.g. data1_power, data2_power, data3_power and so on

These are measurements in influxdb, ok.
To create a better overview for Grafana I would like to query the single measurements into one measurement as fields.

Single step attemp;

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUEREY "cqdata" on "data_db"
SELECT mean(*) as "cqdata1_power" INTO "cq_data_db"."autogen"."power" FROM "data_db"."autogen"."data1_power" GROUP BY time(1m)

This single step attemp for each of the persisted data. This gives me a high number of CQ’s.
As I think, there must be a way to put all the single attemps into one CQ like:

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUEREY "cqdata" on "data_db"
    SELECT mean(*) as "cq/.*/" INTO "cq_data_db"."autogen"."power" FROM "data_db"."autogen"."/.*/_power" GROUP BY time(1m)

But it does not work.
Is there any way to aggregate all CQ’s into one?
Google etc. didn’t give me any answer.

Thank you for your support!