Parsing json data format

I have json data in the format:

“beginTime”: “1606962000”,
“endTime”: “1606962300”,
“timezone”: “IST+5:30”,
“GNBNAME”: “abc”,
“counters”: {
“1001”: {
“OR.MAC”: {
“Abcd”: “5”,
“efgh”: “5”,
“ijkl”: “5”
“OR.RLC”: {
“mnop”: “5”,
“qrst”: “5”,
“uvw”: “5”
“xyz”: “5”

I want to process data inside counters_1001 as fields. The point here is all are in string format which telegraf ignore so i am trying to convert to float. How should i write me telegraf config file so that it automatically takes any number of metrics inside counter_1001. Telegraf which i am using, inside json_string_fields i don’t want to manually write for each set inside counter_1001

float = [“counters*”]
data_format = “json”
fieldpass = [“counters*”]
tag_keys = [
json_string_fields =[“granPeriod”,“Timezone”,“counters_1001_OR.MAC_AirIfDelayDl”]
name_override = “data”