Given the following from the vendor mib
gnssSatlist OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Displays the GNSS satellite tracking information in the
format of:
defined as follows:
N Number of satellites. If one or more satellites
are available, Xi,Yi,Zi follows N.
Xi Satellite vehicle number.
Yi Index
Ci GNSS Constellations.
Example 1 :
Interpretation of above example
11 (Number of Satellites)
X2, Y1, CBeiDou : X2 (satellite vehicle number), Y1 (Index), CBeiDou (constellation)
Example 2:
Example 3:
No Satellites
::= {gnss 3}
which is queried via the following
name = "sat_list"
oid = "S650::gnssSatlist.0
I would like to parse this out so that I have say field satellite with the tags vehicle and constellation. I don’t see much value for the count as this could then be derived by doing a sum on the data for the interval or index (seems to just be an index into the list).
Parsing the total count is easily done with a regex but what I don’t know how to do is chunk up the returned string to multiple entries. If it is possible to pass this field to a shell script I could whip something up in bash/python easy enough but I am not sure how to make a call for just the field (maybe just the metric) to be processed by the script.
so from the example (#2) ^^ in the mib it would come out to something like this
satellite vehicle=1,constellation=GPS
satellite vehicle=10,constellation=GPS
satellite vehicle=9,constellation=BeiDou
Thoughts/pointers appreciated