I tried to collect data via inputs.cloudwatch_metric_streams. However, I couldn’t run Telegraf due to a panic error when I used this plugin.
I attempted to set the global address of my EC2 instance as the listening address. Should I use a different connection name? Can I use the DNS name of the EC2 instance’s connect endpoint for listening on port 443?
The debug message is shown below.
This message show version 1.29.0.
However I installed 1.30.3.
[root@ip-172-31-5-91 telegraf]# vi telegraf.confip a/usr/lib/telegraf/telegraf -config /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf -config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d --test
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Loading config: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.29.0 brought to you by InfluxData the makers of InfluxDB
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Available plugins: 241 inputs, 9 aggregators, 30 processors, 24 parsers, 60 outputs, 6 secret-stores
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Loaded inputs: cloudwatch_metric_streams
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Loaded processors:
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Loaded secretstores:
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z W! Outputs are not used in testing mode!
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! Tags enabled: host=ip-172-31-5-91.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z D! [agent] Initializing plugins
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z D! [agent] Starting service inputs
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z I! [inputs.cloudwatch_metric_streams] Listening on :443
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z D! [agent] Stopping service inputs
2024-06-05T03:21:28Z D! [agent] Input channel closed
panic: close of nil channel
goroutine 52 [running]:
/go/src/github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/cloudwatch_metric_streams/cloudwatch_metric_streams.go:144 +0x125
created by github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/cloudwatch_metric_streams.(*CloudWatchMetricStreams).Start in goroutine 1
/go/src/github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/cloudwatch_metric_streams/cloudwatch_metric_streams.go:138 +0x208
Any help is appreciated