Outputs.influxdb_v2 plugin Error: 422 Unprocessable Entity - could be due to influxdb uptime?

Hi all
I’m running InfluxDB 2.7.1 and Telegraf 1.25.3 using Docker Compose and storing several metrics with outputs.influxdb_v2 plugin into an influxDB bucket with retention policy: 90 days.
It works perfectly, my influxDB container has been up for 10 months and I can restart Telegraf as many times as I want, no issues.
But when I try to migrate to Telegraf 1.29.5 (by doing few adaptations in telegraf.conf file) and start Telegraf, there is a huge quantity of errors popping in logs :

2024-04-18T08:14:12Z E! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Failed to write metric to telegraf (will be dropped: 422 Unprocessable Entity): unprocessable entity: failure writing points to database: partial write: points beyond retention policy dropped=2000
2024-04-18T08:14:12Z E! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Failed to write metric to telegraf (will be dropped: 422 Unprocessable Entity): unprocessable entity: failure writing points to database: partial write: points beyond retention policy dropped=2000
2024-04-18T08:14:12Z E! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Failed to write metric to telegraf (will be dropped: 422 Unprocessable Entity): unprocessable entity: failure writing points to database: partial write: points beyond retention policy dropped=2000

If I change the retention policy of my InfluxDB bucket to ‘never’ and start Telegraf 1.29.5, these errors do not appear.
I think it might be due to the fact that Telegraf 1.29.5 is trying to store some metrics with a timestamp related to the start date of InfluxDB (10 months > 90 days of my initial retention policy…) and that is causing all the errors ‘Unprocessable Entity’.

Has anyone encountered the same problem? Or is there any parameter that I can add to my telegraf.conf file to avoid this behaviour ?

Many thanks for your help


  interval = "10s"
  round_interval = true
  metric_batch_size = 2000
  metric_buffer_limit = 500000
  flush_interval = "10s"
  flush_jitter = "5s"
  precision = "1s"
  omit_hostname = false

#                            OUTPUT PLUGINS                                   #

  urls = ["my_url"]
  token = my_token
  organization = my_org
  bucket = "telegraf"
  content_encoding = "gzip"

#                            INPUT PLUGINS                                    #

  percpu = true
  totalcpu = true
  collect_cpu_time = false
  report_active = false
  core_tags = false
  fieldexclude = ["time_guest","time_guest_nice","time_irq","time_nice","time_softirq","time_steal","usage_guest","usage_guest_nice","usage_irq","usage_nice","usage_softirq","usage_steal"]

  ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"]







  endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
  gather_services = false
  container_name_include = []
  container_name_exclude = []
  timeout = "5s"
  perdevice = false
  perdevice_include = ["cpu", "blkio", "network"]
  total = false
  docker_label_include = []
  docker_label_exclude = []








  ignore_protocol_stats = true

  protocol = "tcp"
  address = "localhost:80"
  timeout = "1s"
  read_timeout = "1s"

  protocol = "tcp"
  address = "localhost:443"
  timeout = "1s"
  read_timeout = "1s"



  sadc_path = "/usr/lib/sa/sadc" # required


  endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
  timeout = "5s"
  container_name_include = []
  container_name_exclude = []

# Read metrics from the bare metal servers via IPMI
  use_sudo = true
  privilege = "ADMINISTRATOR"
  interval = "30s"
  timeout = "20s"
  metric_version = 2

The reason for the error message is that your metrics generated by Telegraf have a timestamp older than 90 days compared to your influxdb server.

I would first see what dates each of these containers show.

a timestamp related to the start date of InfluxDB

You need to understand why this is the case. The timestamps generated should be whatever the current date/time is.

Indeed, what I’m currently doing is to test the configuration file (trought the telegraf test command) to get a display of the metrics that Telegraf want to store in influxDB at launch time and see which timestamp is older than retention policy…if you have any suggestion on how to achieve it, do not hesitate :slight_smile:
I’ll report here if I’ll find something interesting anyway

I would do two things:

  1. Probably easiest and best place to start would be to jump into the containers and run date and see what is showing up. If this is accurate then you are good to go, but if this is wrong, then you need to set the time correctly and ensure it comes up correctly whenever you deploy.
  2. If the time is accurate, then I would jump to using the [[outputs.file]] output in telegraf to print the metrics to stdout and see what the timestamp is showing up as. As you mentioned, you can always use --test to do something similar and get the dates printed once. Then compare this to what the dates are set as in the container.
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