OPCUA Input Plugin | Opaque identifer type

I’m trying to log data from a Codesys OPC UA server using Telegraf, but I’m encountering an issue. The IdentifierType for the variables I’m trying to access is set to Opaque, and I haven’t been able to figure out how to properly handle this.

Does anyone have experience dealing with this type of situation or any ideas on how to resolve it?

Config File here:

Error Here:

UaExpert Client:

Thanks in advance for your help!

Sorry For this hard tagging :wink:
But you were the opcua Guy who already help me few months ago.


Hello @Loic_Winkelmann,
Jay is no longer at InfluxData.
@jpowers might know though. I’m not too familiar with OPC UA.

Instead of the identifier starting with 0x, could you try the the string listed after b= at the top level of the NodeID object? Your config would become something like:
