Nulls Getting ignored while doing Group by

Hi , When i am doing group by from a set of values the Key values ignoring the metrix which has Nulls. How can i display them even it is null. Below is the example where you can see records getting dropped for the Switch field where it has nulls .How can i populate the switch column with some value. Switch is of float datatype

select * from switch_1 where time >=‘2021-05-24T15:00:00Z’ and time <‘2021-05-24T16:00:00Z’
name: switch_1
time Node PNumber Switch

1621871953000000000 al1ga01ubs19ucx 1
1621871953000000000 al1ga01ubs23ucx 1
1621871953000000000 ch1il01ubs19ucx 1 6
1621871953000000000 ch1il01ubs23ucx 1 6
1621871953000000000 cl1oh01ubs19ucx 1
1621871953000000000 cl1oh01ubs23ucx 1
1621871953000000000 ka1mo01ubs19ucx 1
1621871953000000000 ka1mo01ubs23ucx 1
1621871953000000000 na1tn01ubs19ucx 1

select mean(Switch) as Switch from switch_1 where time >=‘2021-05-24T15:00:00Z’ and time <‘2021-05-24T16:00:00Z’ group by Node,PNumber
name: switch_1
tags: Node=ch1il01ubs19ucx, PNumber=1
time Switch

1621868400000000000 6

name: switch_1
tags: Node=ch1il01ubs23ucx, PNumber=1
time Switch

1621868400000000000 6

When i am doing group by from a set of values the Key values ignoring
the metrix which has Nulls. How can i display them even it is null.

“Null” means “there is nothing here” in nearly all database systems.

What do you expect to get displayed for a “null” value? It isn’t zero, it
isn’t any number; it isn’t a string, it isn’t an empty string - it isn’t
anything. “Null” means “nothing”.

How can i populate the switch column with some value.

You have answered the question yourself - the source of your data has to
populate the switch column with some value - then it will be something you can
select and display.
