Nomad Cluster Monitoring with Chronograf and Fluxlang

I am attempting to create a dashboard within Chronograf to monitor a Hashicorp Nomad Cluster. I’m attempting to create an overall CPU Allocation % metric from the values that are collected by Telegraf.

Below is the Fluxlang code I’ve used to come up with the CPU%.

nomad_unallocated_cpu =
from(bucket: “telegraf/autogen”)
|> range(start: dashboardTime)
|> filter(fn: ® =>
r._measurement == “nomad_client_unallocated_cpu” AND
r._field == “gauge” AND
r.datacenter == “devops”
|> aggregateWindow(every: 30s, fn: mean)
|> group(by: ["_time"])
|> sum()
|> window(every: inf)

nomad_allocated_cpu =
from(bucket: “telegraf/autogen”)
|> range(start: dashboardTime)
|> filter(fn: ® =>
r._measurement == “nomad_client_allocated_cpu” AND
r._field == “gauge” AND
r.datacenter == “devops”
|> aggregateWindow(every: 30s, fn: mean)
|> group(by: ["_time"])
|> sum()
|> window(every: inf)

return join(
tables: {unallocated_cpu:nomad_unallocated_cpu, allocated_cpu:nomad_allocated_cpu},
on: ["_time", “_stop”, “_start”]
|> map(fn:® => ({
_time: r._time,
_value: (1.0 - r._value_unallocated_cpu / (r._value_unallocated_cpu + r._value_allocated_cpu)) * 100.0
|> yield()

This works and gives me the data that I require, however when creating a dashboard within Chronograf that data is not rounded to the nearest percentile. The “decimal” places functionality within Chronograf does not seem to work. Is there a “round()” function within Flux to round the data?

There is no round function in Flux yet, we plan on supporting many math related operations that would enable this.

You can follow this issue Support scalar expressions · Issue #332 · influxdata/flux · GitHub for when we will have support.