Newbie question on parsing MQTT

Hello all, newbie on Telegraf here. I’m having a hard time understanding how to get measurements from mqtt to influxdb. I added my mqtt sub to Telegraf in inputs.mqtt_consumer and all the temperature and humidity readings are written into the influxDB just nicely. However, these are not;

/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:01", "model" : "ShellyGarage", "power" : "861.68"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:02", "model" : "ShellyMitsuILP", "power" : "458.21"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-0", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-1", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-2", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-3", "power" : "0"}

What do I need to do in order to get these measurements into the Influxdb?


Am I correct in assuming that Telegraf didn’t know about “power”, so I have to parse that somehow or help Telegraf along the way? I really don’t know where to start, I have read on inputs.mqtt_consumer.topic_parsing but since the topic is the same for all my measurements I guess I have to look at something else. Please help.


Can you share your telegraf config?

Can you also share an example of the temperature readings that you are parsing? Is temperature also reported as a string? Are these power readings read from a 2nd topic?

You may need to specify a specific topic, or tell telegraf how to parse the data you are getting differently, but I don’t know enough without some additional info.


# egrep -v '^($|#|  #)' /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
  interval = "10s"
  round_interval = true
  metric_batch_size = 1000
  metric_buffer_limit = 10000
  collection_jitter = "0s"
  flush_interval = "10s"
  flush_jitter = "0s"
  precision = "0s"
  hostname = ""
  omit_hostname = false
urls = [""]
database = "mqtt_data"
username = "mqtt"
password = "password"
  percpu = true
  totalcpu = true
  collect_cpu_time = false
  report_active = false
  core_tags = false
  ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"]
servers = ["ssl://"]
topics = [
client_id = "telegraf@grafana"
username = "harald"
password = "password"
data_format = "json_v2"
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:04", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 167, "temperature_C" : 16.700, "humidity" : 43, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.922, "rssi" : -12.144, "snr" : 13.872, "noise" : -26.016}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-12 16:27:04", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 231, "temperature_C" : 5.900, "humidity" : 54, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.921, "rssi" : -12.144, "snr" : 13.665, "noise" : -25.810}
> select * from mqtt_consumer limit 10
name: mqtt_consumer
time                battery_ok button channel freq    gap  host    humidity id  impulses noise   rssi    snr    subtype temperature_C topic
----                ---------- ------ ------- ----    ---  ----    -------- --  -------- -----   ----    ---    ------- ------------- -----
1670853676581996622                           433.913      grafana 46       135          -26.016 -0.114  25.902         17            /my/topic
1670853678553051307                           433.911      grafana          136          -27.673 -0.136  27.537         -10.5         /my/topic
1670853680650901601                           433.926      grafana                       -28.165 -0.102  28.063         -20           /my/topic
1670853681174219163 1                 1       433.966      grafana          167 67867397 -27.231 -0.106  27.125                       /my/topic
1670853681699008291                   1       433.964 1361 grafana          167          -28.72  -0.121  28.598                       /my/topic
1670853689038213976                           433.921      grafana 43       167          -26.704 -12.144 14.559         16.7          /my/topic
1670853689044534972                           433.92       grafana 55       231          -25.612 -12.144 13.468         3.5           /my/topic
1670853692710018786 1          0      3       433.935      grafana 33       213          -28.165 -0.106  28.059 9       20.3          /my/topic
1670853698999954514                           433.916      grafana 72       215          -27.831 -12.131 15.699         -9.6          /my/topic
1670853708962160643                           433.925      grafana          199          -26.346 -0.13   26.217         17.2          /my/topic

Everything is in one topic.

Thank You, appreciate Your time.

Everything is in one topic.

Is power a 2nd message?

@srebhan what am I missing?

This is how the mqtt sub looks like;

/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:49:36", "model" : "FT-004B", "temperature_C" : -19.800, "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.930, "rssi" : -0.099, "snr" : 19.566, "noise" : -19.664}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:49:38", "model" : "Norgo-NGE101", "id" : 167, "channel" : 1, "gap" : 1496, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.965, "rssi" : -0.130, "snr" : 20.083, "noise" : -20.213}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:49:38", "model" : "Norgo-NGE101", "id" : 167, "channel" : 1, "gap" : 1496, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.962, "rssi" : -0.137, "snr" : 20.217, "noise" : -20.354}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:49:45", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 199, "temperature_C" : 16.600, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.927, "rssi" : -0.103, "snr" : 19.840, "noise" : -19.943}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:49:47", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 215, "temperature_C" : -8.600, "humidity" : 73, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.916, "rssi" : -7.439, "snr" : 12.557, "noise" : -19.996}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:49:56", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 183, "temperature_C" : -4.100, "humidity" : 82, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.915, "rssi" : -0.133, "snr" : 20.489, "noise" : -20.621}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:00", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 135, "temperature_C" : 17.200, "humidity" : 43, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.917, "rssi" : -0.135, "snr" : 20.836, "noise" : -20.971}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:01", "model" : "ShellyIVTILP", "power" : "528.35"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "ShellyGarage", "power" : "1.79"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "ShellyMitsuILP", "power" : "754.66"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-0", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-1", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-2", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "ShellyPM4-3", "power" : "0"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:02", "model" : "SumPower", "power" : "1284.80"}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:05", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH2", "id" : 136, "temperature_C" : -8.500, "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.913, "rssi" : -0.128, "snr" : 20.373, "noise" : -20.501}
/my/topic {"time" : "2022-12-15 10:50:09", "model" : "Prologue-TH", "subtype" : 9, "id" : 213, "channel" : 3, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 19.800, "humidity" : 33, "button" : 0, "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.935, "rssi" : -0.123, "snr" : 20.146, "noise" : -20.269}

In my own scripts I use “model” and “id” to identify what I’m reading.

Thank You for this tip. It indeed looks like I have been posting “power” as a string and that’s why Telegraf didn’t omnomnom it. This now works as expected.

I now don’t have any identifer in influxdb though. So I am unable to identify which sensor has reported power.

Is there a way to store say “model” in influxdb as well? What is the key for measurements in influx?

edit: I started posting a numerical ID as well, that sorted that. I learned that telegraf and / or influxdb doesn’t really care about strings and only stores numerical data. Right?

Generally strings are tags, something you would want to filter on. When parsing your data, if there is a specific string value you want to store as a field you need to specify it explicitly.

Thanks. Is this specifying of a string value that I want to store in influxdb doable in telegraf.conf?

Yeah with the json_v2 parser you can specify it:

            path = "" # A string with valid GJSON path syntax to a non-array/non-object value
            rename = "new name" # A string with a new name for the tag key
            type = "int" # A string specifying the type (int,uint,float,string,bool)
            ## Setting optional to true will suppress errors if the configured Path doesn't match the JSON
            optional = false

of course in your case it will be a “string” type.

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