Some fields can have empty values. For example: #datatype dateTime:02/01/2006 15:04:05,ignored,double,double
Date/Time,Counter,Battery SOC [%],Battery Voltage [V]
04/10/2022 05:32:00,5000,,24.55
the influx write command reports a conversion error column ‘Battery SOC [%]’: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing “”: invalid syntax
Empty fields indicate that the data has not been collected and I cannot replace them with zeroes. Is there a way to override this error?
I’m using the influx write command with the –errors-file import_errors option but, even if there are errors reported during the conversion (such as the one above) the import_errors file is always empty
my CSV files use semicolons instead of commas. I tried to add this line at the top of the file sep=;
but it did not work (write command reports no data found because it is unable to parse lines)