I have sensors producing burst of data (32 samples per burst) in every 2ms. I have 32 of them. 1024 samples per 2ms. I have 1024 as the batch size. However, each batch insertion take about 15-20ms. I must insert within 2ms. I am currently using influx 2.0.4. I have no constrain on memory and processor (at this moment, may be this could be issue). I really appreciate any help. What is the best practice for real time scenarios?
I have 2 tags, 2 float value and timestamp. I have retention policy of 1 hr.
I’m not quite clear what your actual question is.
What exactly do you mean by “real time”? From where to where?
Do you use Telegraf? If so, which plugins?
Or a client library?
Data is stored in SSD. Below is the data structure. I am using C# infux client. I am running Influx as Docker container on the IoT Edge gateway. I didnt see any resource issues (memory, disk, and processor)
[Column(IsTimestamp = true)]
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
[Column("AssetId", IsTag = true)]
public string AssetId { get; set; }
[Column("ChannelId", IsTag = true)]
public string ChannelId { get; set; }
public float X { get; set; }
public float Y { get; set; }
public float Z { get; set; }
var measurements = List<Measurements>()
await writeClientAsync.WriteMeasurementsAsync(dbName,dublinOrg.Name, WritePrecision.Ms,measurements);
// this line take 15ms to 25ms for ~3000 list items. When I batch 10 samples together - 35000 items, it takes over 600ms.
//this is how i create a client in service constructor
const string host = "http://localhost:8086";
const string bucket = "abc123";
var options = new InfluxDBClientOptions.Builder()
.AuthenticateToken( InfluxToken.ToCharArray())
influxDBClient = InfluxDBClientFactory.Create(options);
writeClientAsync = influxDBClient.GetWriteApiAsync();
I also tried WriteRecordsAsync. I followed c# client examples provided with c# client source code in the github. Meantime, I am going to use HttpClient instead of influx client and test performance.
list contains about 35,000 items.
Use case: I have x sensors (currently 32 sensors like temp, pressure, etc) my use case need a sampling in every 2ms and read values from sensors. I need to store this data before next sample arrives, that is 2ms.
What is the fastest way for insertion? I never used telegraph. Is it what I should use in my use case? Many thanks.
Unfortunately the sourcecode is not formatted properly, so I can’t see that much.
Please post code snippets in markdown format here in the forum:
put the C# code here
But apart from that, 600ms is way too long.
Maybe you are not using the C# client library correctly.
But someone who knows the C# library better would have to help.
I am not familiar with C#.
But could it be that you create a new instance of the client each time you write? That would be very inconvenient.
But there should better help someone who knows the C# client.