Monthly Comparison

Monthly comparison overview

I have the absolute values of consumption (electricity) since October 2020 in INFLUXDB.
The query in Grafana for this looks like this, for example:
SELECT “Default” FROM “Meter 1.8.0 Consumption” WHERE $timeFilter
Figure 1.

With difference I can also look at the daily consumption and display it as a time series, but this does not fulfill my request.
I would like to be able to compare the monthly consumptions better and see them at a glance for a better overview.
In Excel I have the following chart.
Picture 2:

How must the query / settings in Grafana be to enable such a display.
Time grid: 1 month each. This is to be compared with the same month of the previous years.

Can anyone help me with this?
Figure 1:

Figure 2 (Example):
