Missing data depending on start time

Hi, I’m observing a strange phenomenon where this query:

from(bucket: "dsnet")
  |> range(start: -106d)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "DailySolar")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "PeakPower:watts")

Correctly returns data for 2 tagged series.

However, if you replace -106d with with -107d, suddenly one of the series disappears. Why?

I’m running influxdb v2.7.10.

Looking through influxdb logs, I see many occurrences of:

ts=2024-09-10T04:31:31.833470Z lvl=warn msg="error opening fields.idx: failed creating \"DailySolar\".\"PeakPower:watts\": field type conflict.  Rebuilding." log_id=0rYZ3PVW000 service=storage-engine engine=tsm1

I’m somewhat surprised that the query doesn’t at least return an error indicating that a backend problem has occurred.

I’m not sure how this happened as my Go code is always writing this point with float64. Since this measurement is derived from another, I’ll just delete the whole measurement and rebuild it from scratch.

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