Hi guys,
I don’t know if what I want is currently possible so please if not just let me know why.
My situation is I have an InfluxDB container running on a very small machine (4Gb of RAM and 16Gb HD). The thing is as I have multiples containers on this machine I needed to limit the amount of RAM that each one of them is using and then my InfluxDB is running with a limit of 1.5Gb of memory.
When I do a fresh start everything runs fine, the problem start happening after some time of test. So after a 14 days test the influxDB starts to return timeout error for almost every query that I tried to run [eg. SELECT * FROM measurement LIMIT 1].
The first thing I checked was the cardinality using the show series cardinality
and the result is that my cardinality is just 2.
After I checked the memory consumption and it is taking 1.4Gb from the 1.5Gb.
And to finish I also checked the size of my influxDB and using
du -sh /var/lib/influxdb/data/*
it seems that it is around 12Gb and using
select max(sum)/(1024 * 1024) from (select sum("diskBytes") as sum from (select diskBytes FROM "_internal".."tsm1_filestore" WHERE "database"='measurement' group by id, numFiles, "diskBytes" ORDER BY time DESC limit 1) group by time(1m) ORDER BY time DESC) ORDER BY time DESC
the result is 25Gb (here I must have make any mistake because 25Gb is bigger than my current disk ).
Right now I am trying to reduce my retention policy to 10days instead of the current 1 Month value to see if works. But this is a blind test as I am not sure if it makes sense to reduce that in order to have a working container again. If someone has any idea please let me know.
Thanks in advance