Hi All,
I’m experiencing unexpected crashes due to excessive memory usage in my installation (version 1.8.2). The host runs on 32G of memory and when I run a query, it will consume ~20G of memory and when I run the same query again and again, the memory usage grows and then it consumes all the free memory and the service crashes.
- The DB size is 42 GB
- Number of series is 185368
I’ve tried switching between tsi and inmem, but it got worse when I switched to tsi (it started to crash on second queries).
Example query (time range is 1 year):
SELECT count("state") FROM "testdb"."autogen"."telemetry" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND time < :upperDashboardTime: AND "state"='on' GROUP BY time(1d), "endpoint" FILL(null)
influxd: fatal error: runtime: out of memory
influxd: runtime stack:
influxd: runtime.throw(0x166acb8, 0x16)
influxd: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:774 +0x72
influxd: runtime.sysMap(0xc728000000, 0x4000000, 0x35aec78)
influxd: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:169 +0xc5
influxd: runtime.(*mheap).sysAlloc(0x3595c80, 0x10000, 0x10000, 0x98000a3aeb)
influxd: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:701 +0x1cd
influxd: runtime.(*mheap).grow(0x3595c80, 0x8, 0xffffffff)
You can check the full log output from Untitled - Pastebin