Looking for the "canonical" way to aggregate from multiple influxdb instances to a main/server one

Hi there.

I’m using a recent OSS version, and need multiple instances of InfluxDb to “phone home” with their data. The “client” InfluxDb instances will be doing this periodically, and will not have a stable, continuous connection. The “server” instance can be assumed to be online at all times.

What is the intended/canonical way to do this?

Do I run some script to use the Influx CLI to send backups or similar? Is there a telegraf plugin to do this?

It would be amazing if the method allowed some filtering on the outgoing data…


@Kristian_Lund This is exactly what Edge Data Replication (EDR) was designed for. You can learn more about it in the EDR documentation.

Thank you so much. This looks like exactly what I was looking for!