Logparser from_beginning = false doesn't work as expected

I have telegraf version 1.5.2 at ubuntu 14/16 nodes with logparser plugin enabled.

  files = ["/var/log/freeradius/radius.log"]
  from_beginning = false

   patterns = ["%{TS_ANSIC:ts:ts-ansic} : Auth: \\(%{NUMBER:number:drop}\\) %{DATA:status}:%{GREEDYDATA:greedy:drop} cli %{IPV4:ip}"]
   measurement = "freeradius_log"
   custom_patterns = '''

Plugin parse data from the beginning though from_beginning = false is set
I tried to DROP MEASUREMENT freeradius_log. But after some time I again can see old data in
SELECT * FROM freeradius_log.

I wouldn’t care if I didn’t have consequences.
Here is my tick script

dbrp "telegraf"."autogen"

var data = stream

var total =  data

var error = data
  |where(lambda: "status" != 'Login OK')

    .as('errors', 'totals')
  |eval(lambda: 100.0 * float("errors.count") / float("totals.count"))
    .id('{{ .TaskName }}')
    .crit(lambda: "value" > 30)
    .message('Value: {{index .Fields "value"}}, {{ index .Tags "host" }}')

After I enable it I get spam to slack channel like this

Value: 50, example.com
Value: 0, example.com
Value: 100, example.com
Value: 0, example.com
Value: 50, example.com
Value: 50, example.com
Value: 0, example.com
Value: 50, example.com
Value: 0, example.com
Value: 100, example.com
Value: 50, example.com
Value: 100, example.com
Value: 100, example.com
Value: 100, example.com

There are many notifications per second.
And for example.com node in db I have continuous “Login OK”.

What can be wrong?

Perhaps there is a filesystem event that is causing the file to appear new to logparser, you could try monitoring the inotify events using a tool like watchmedo log from watchdog.

You are right.
Problem was in chef making chmod.
Thank you for your help and great tool.

This seems like undesired behavior so I opened an issue on the Telegraf issue tracker. Logparser reparses file from beginning if permissions are changed · Issue #3831 · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub