hopefully I added this topic to the right category.
I use influxDB 2 to store long-time date of temperature sensors from home assistant. However, sometimes I get wrong temperature data delivered from a temperature sensor. I try to adjust these wrong data by using line protocol within influxDB.
The measurement for this sensor is “°C”.
I used the following command to update a value:
°C,entity_id=eg_flur_rauchmelder_air_temperature value=22 1698794043384
Strangely, I get a positive confirmation from influxDB, however the value remains unchanged.
I assume that influxDB line protocol does not accept the character “°”.
Does anybody has a possble solution?
Thank you very much in advance.
Hello @Gerrit,
Hmm I’m not sure about that special character but that could be the case. You’re right about updating the value by using the same line protocol with an updated value.
How are you trying to observe the update? I’d try using the API instead of the UI. Sometimes there can be delays on the UI.
It looks like you need quotes though for special characters:
Dear Anaisdg,
thank you very much for your help. I verify the data via the data explorer in influx. I use Grafana to visualize the data in Homeassistant. Even Grafana does not show any changes in the data.
I tried to put the ° in brackets: "°"C and “°C”.
Interestingly, I added two new rows of data with measurements "°"C and “°C”
never put double quotes in the measurement or tags “section” of line protocol, that will be interpreted literally (as you already know), the only thing you can do is escape special chars (but that’s needed only for Comma and Space).
I’d also try to update the data using CLI and API, as a last option (if feasible) you can delete and insert the data point back