I am getting the following error upon starting kapacitor
ts=2019-12-06T10:03:46.726-05:00 lvl=error msg="encountered error" service=run err="create server: invalid configuration: udf: UDF prophet: both socket and process config provided. To generate a valid configuration file run `kapacitord config > kapacitor.generated.conf`."
ts=2019-12-06T10:03:46.970-05:00 lvl=info msg="kapacitor starting" service=run version=1.5.3 branch=HEAD commit=e6bc51b8447de450c3f6fc0f6e47b6a0987ce5b6
ts=2019-12-06T10:03:46.970-05:00 lvl=info msg="go version" service=run version=go1.11.2
ts=2019-12-06T10:03:46.971-05:00 lvl=error msg="encountered error" service=run err="create server: invalid configuration: udf: UDF prophet: both socket and process config provided. To generate a valid configuration file run `kapacitord config > kapacitor.generated.conf`."
I have switched to Linux - Ubuntu with Python2.7, Kapacitor 1.5.3.
Able to run this in isolation: python -u /etc/kapacitor/prophet.py (which creates a socket file “udf_prophet.sock”)
prog = “/usr/bin/python2”
socket = “./tmp/”
timeout = “60s”
Have i got the udf config right?